
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Terrorists After Beyonce!!!!

SINGER BEYONCE KNOWLES is being targeted by Islamic extremists trying to force her to scrap a gig.
A right-wing Muslim party claims the star's sexy outfits and provocative stage routines are "immoral" and a danger to the young.
They are threatening to "take action" to prevent her staging a show near Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur scheduled for October 25 as part of a world tour.
Two years ago US beauty Beyonce, 28, had to pull out of a gig in Malaysia over similar fears.
The Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party said: "This performance is not suitable for Muslims - her attire and behaviour onstage are immoral."

To be honest, I feel where they are coming from. But then again, are they not taking this too far? If you dont want to see the concert then dont go and see it.


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