PARLIAMENT IS SUPREME and Stephen Harper and the Conservatives MUST comply with Parliament. However, security of the documents will be arranged.
Conservative spin doctors are trying to portray this as 'no decision' ... typical Right wing LIARS!! Mr. Speaker's decision was definite!
Canadians have had enough of this conservative government and their self centered, self serving, right wing, war mongering, political crap. If Harper wants to play 'political chicken' with the nation and not comply with Parliament's order then he does so at the peril of his government. At 29%, does Harper want an election??
Just for the record, Ignatieff, Duceppe and Layton were in the House of Commons for the historic ruling by the Speaker. Stephen Harper was not.
-CBC News
Here is the Conservative reaction to the Speakers Ruling:
Tory statement on Milliken ruling:"We are ███████ that ████ doesn't seem ██ ████. We ██ █████ to ███ our ██ ███."
(.........just kidding)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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