"Saskatchewan Premier throws cold water on BHP bid for Potash Corp.
‘As of today, I don't know how we are better off if this takeover or any other subsequent change happens,’ Brad Wall says"
Globe & Mail
Saskatchewan's Right Wing poster boy, Brad Wall, is never shy of invoking tired old ultra free market invectives. 'What's good for business is good for the economy' - blah blah blah! He even worked for the Grant Devine Conservative administration that sold the Potash Crown Corporation for a loss to the Saskatchewan taxpayer!
Now that it is in private hands, I guess he never thought that one day, in his free market paradise, someone would come along from outside the province to try and take over Potash Corp. Now that the Australian conglomerate, BHP wants to buy the company, Wall's hard core ideology has hit a brick wall ... no pun intended ... (well maybe a little bit).
Saskatchewan people got what they voted for. We go to the polls again in just over a year.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saskatchewan's 'Unfettered Free Market' Premier Now Wants To 'Fetter' The Free Market!!?

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