Yesterday I posted criticism of Premier Brad Wall from the Saskatoon Star Phoenix. The editorial wondered if Wall is acting more like a representative of PotashCorp than of the people of Saskatchewan.
But today's Regina Leader-Post has an editorial that trys to defend the extremely low royalty rate that Wall is getting for our Potash reserves:
"This is an election year in Saskatchewan and the last thing the province needs is a damaging political fight that could dent its image as a place that's good to do business. [...]In our view, the industry needs some breathing room after the roller-coaster ride of the past couple of years."
Regina Leader-Post
I have to assume that the editorial board of the Regina Leader-Post has gone insane (or) was asked by the Saskatchewan Party administration to mitigate the Star Phoenix editorial.
The editors of the Regina Leader-Post need to be reminded that an election year is exactly when we have our political dust ups to determine the future course of the province. Essentially the editors are telling us that elections are bad for 'business' .. bad for the 'corporate sector'. Has it come to the point where the corporate sector considers 'democracy' as bad for business?
It's time for the Regina Leader-Post to remove their nose from Brad Wall's backside. The Editors of the LP titled their editorial "A Potash Royalty Review Could Become An Ugly Mess" .. what they really meant to say is "A Potash Royalty Review Could Become An Ugly Mess FOR BRAD WALL"!
PotashCorp reported a $1.8 Billion profit last year and paid the owner of the resource, the people of Saskatchewan, about 4 cents of royalty on each dollar of profit for a total of $76.8 Million. Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall thinks that 4 cents on the dollar is a fair deal.
-Prairie Dog Blog - "The L-P’s Editorial Writers Are Totally On Crack Today"
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
A Potash Royalty Review Could Become An Ugly Mess For Premier Brad Wall

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