There are rumours that right wing Premier Brad Wall has a poster of Wisconsin Scott Walker up in his office. Whether he does or not, Wall's approach with trade unions in Saskatchewan is shockingly confrontational. In fact, Wall has nothing but contempt for organized labour. One of the first things he did when he became premier was to pass legislation that took the right to strike away from thousands of health care workers.
Wall's legislation is now regarded as a joke in much of Saskatchewan.
Wall has also been condemned by the United Nations International Labour Organization for his heavy handed, undemocratic approach to organized labour. It is widely considered that the Supreme Court of Canada will shortly also rule that Saskatchewan's Premier has breached international accords that Canada has signed.
Here is an open letter from Larry Hubich, President of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (and by the way, a contributing Progressive Blogger):
March 18, 2011
Honourable Brad Wall
Premier of Saskatchewan
Room 226
Legislative Building
Regina, SK
S4S 0B3
Open letter to Premier Brad Wall from SFL President, Larry Hubich
Dear Mr. Wall:
RE: Meeting regarding Canada Pension Plan improvements, etc.
Attached hereto are letters from me to you dated September 20, 2010 and November 29, 2010 respecting a meeting that we agreed to convene during a discussion we had at the Richardson farm in August 2010 while attending the meeting and events of the Council of the Federation in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
During our encounter and discussion, you committed to me, in person, that we would meet for the purposes of discussing proposals by the labour movement for improvements to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). In fact, your exact words to me were, “I agree, we should meet to discuss that (CPP), and other things.”
I am disappointed that you have not fulfilled your commitment to me or even demonstrated the common courtesy of a response to my follow-up letters. In fact, my office has not even received an acknowledgement of receipt of the correspondence.
I know you don’t treat representatives from business this way, but I am concerned that your government deliberately marginalizes and outright ignores the voices of organizations that you view to have different priorities than your own. What other organizations and/or groups do you dismiss out of hand?
Recently, I received copies of an e-mail exchange between you and a citizen writing to you concerned about expansion of the uranium industry set against a backdrop of the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Imagine my surprise when I noticed that your reply was dated (Tuesday) March 8, 2011, in response to the citizen’s original e-mail of Saturday, March 5, 2011. A three-day turnaround from the Premier is remarkable. Here I have been waiting patiently for you to live up to a personal commitment you made more than 7 months ago.
Now, Mr. Premier, we are not asking for special treatment, or special consideration – but we would appreciate the Federation of Labour being given the same courtesy as, say, the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, or other business lobby groups. After all, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour represents approximately 100,000 taxpaying citizens in our wonderful province. Surely their thoughts, opinions and ideas are of interest to the Premier of the Province.
It’s alarming and inappropriate for you to suggest that you have had no time to hear personally from the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour in the nearly 4 years that you have been Premier.
Awaiting contact from you regarding the commitment you made, but have yet to fulfill.
Yours truly,
Larry Hubich, President
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
cc: SFL Executive Council
Larry Hubich's Blog
Monday, March 21, 2011
Saskatchewan's Right Wing Premier REFUSES To Talk With Province's Labour Federation

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