A couple of major questions come to mind with the announcement that Canada is about to massively expand our military presence around the world. Firstly, why do we need to spend Billions of tax dollars on an ever increasing Canadian Military?
Also, if Harper wants to trim Billions in spending from the Budget, (yet is about to spend more tax dollars on top of the Billions already spent on Canada's military.), where are all the cuts going to come from?
"Canada is looking at setting up bases around the world to better position the military to participate in international missions, Defence Minister Peter MacKay confirmed Thursday.
The Canadian Forces does "prudent planning," MacKay told reporters, taking into account the ability to participate in international missions.
"As we look out into the future what we obviously try to do is anticipate where and when we will be needed, but it's difficult with any certainty to make those plans, without talking to other countries, without doing internal examinations," he said.
"The focus of the planning, let's be clear, is our capability for expeditionary participation in international missions.... We are big players in NATO. We're a country that has become a go-to nation in response to situations like what we're seeing in Libya, what we saw in Haiti..."
"The Canadian Forces are preparing the establishment of seven military bases worldwide supply that will allow Canada to respond quickly in all regions of the planet, learned Le Devoir. The army is preparing his return to a particular country in the Persian Gulf, Kuwait, to supply more easily the new training mission in Afghanistan, which begins in August."
Le Devoir
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Why Is Stephen Harper Going To Open Seven NEW Military Bases Outside Of Canada's Borders???

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