
Monday, September 14, 2009

Your Week Two Pammy Nominees

Here are the quotes that need your votes (in no particular order). Be sure to choose wisely, and I'll let you know who the results by the end of the week.

Pam Ward Chronicles: Week Two

1. "If you're long, your never wrong."- Chris Spielman....again

2. "Todd"- Chris Fowler

3. "I like smart quarterbacks. Especially smart quarterbacks with some athletic skills to go with it." - Mike Patrick

"Balls are flying all over the place."- Dave Neal

5. "We've seen every part of the Dan LeFevour package." - Todd McShay

6. "Al Toon, who had his football career cut short because of multiple concussions, hopes his son follows in his footsteps."- Dave Pasch

"Drops it right over the pocket. If you had a pencil in your pocket, he puts it right in the pocket."- Doc Walker

"Clark took it right in the moustache." - Rece Davis

9. "Maybe you and I should be calling this game."- Matt Millen

10. "I don't know what I don't know."- Bob Griese

11. "Special word: elusivity." - Pam Ward
"Is that a word" - Ray Bentley
"It is now." - Pam Ward

12. "You've got to get your eyes around and see what's coming in your face." - Todd Blackledge

"I gotta think that the USC Trojans are going to eat that one out."- Ray Bentley

14. "You can go up in there with it two or three times, then you gotta pull it out." - Sonny Randle


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