
Monday, July 20, 2009

Create The Caption #393

Create the Caption is back by popular demand! I took a little hiatus from posting the captions, and sure it's hokey, but it's all in good fun. The CtC is back with a vengeance, and your comments are greatly appreciated.

Last Wednesday's Winners....

"Albert, if I bounce this pitch, go around Busch Stadium and round up all the video tapes."- Walrus

"No, really....My new healthcare plan will pay for all of your steroids."- IH8DOOK

"Having learned to be more discreet about ogling teenage Brazilian girls, President Obama merely whispers about the brunette in the third row to Albert Pujols."- General Malaise

"Why yes, those are Bugle Boy jeans I'm wearing...."- Rex Banner

Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Stewart Cink checking out the Claret Jug while second place finisher, Tom Watson, and Matteo Manassero of Italy look on?

Your Daily Links:

Tennis Fight! (DC Sports Bog)
Strahan might not be so bad at this sitcom thing (Watchdog)
Michael Jordan and his giant inflatable penis (SbB)
A double backflip gone wrong (TPS)
Richard Jefferson paid of his ex-fiancee (Black Sports Online)
Watching the NBA Summer League is like getting drunk (That NBA Lottery Pick)
Brett Favre is a tragic hero (Grand National)
An interesting post on various BCS team's strength of schedule (LOCG)


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