
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Craig James Taking Alamo Press, And Running With It To The Senate

Of all the random twists I've heard involving announcers, Craig James is now moving on from getting a coach fired to running for the Senate. Seriously. According to WFAA, James is reportedly interested in Kay Bailey Hutchison’s Senate seat....

“I’m a Texan. I’m concerned for our country. I disagree with the approach that we’re having, things that are taking place, and so whatever door opens up, I’ll look at it, if and when it opens up. I think Americans today, if you placed us back in 1765, it would be the same scenario. We’ve got the American revolution taking place again.”

News 8 talked to James who confirmed he is interested in getting involved in Republican Party politics, and he’s not ruling out a run for office. James said in addition to his role as a college football analyst, he’s also been in business as a real estate broker and investor. He calls himself a conservative and very concerned about government intervention in business and health care.

James has been making the rounds meeting prominent Texas Republicans and donors raising his political profile, and he said he would not rule out running for the Hutchison seat.

Not only is this a questionable choice, but probably a terrible one as well. Every Texas Tech fan has expressed their hatred of both Adam and his dad Craig in this instance, and with new reports surfacing every day of Adam James' crybaby nature, it seems even worse. Good luck, Craig.

Craig James Confirms Interest In TX Senate Seat (Sports by Brooks)


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