
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Steve Phillips Commentary Could Live On In Video Game Form

Steve Phillips has gone into hiding after being dumped by ESPN for various "transgressions", but he could be making a return back into your lives real soon. No not on television, but rather as a voice for MLB 2K10. An early preview of the game has Gary Thorne as your play-by-play man, with John Kruk and Phillips the analysts. There is not word if it's too late to delete the former ESPNer from the game. Via Pasta Padre....

Included in the preview is talk about the My Player mode which appears to be primarily focused on clutch situations, the formula for pitching with the right stick being made more accessible, a defensive swing addition, and “hurry-up baseball” option which removes all the presentational elements. Also new is the “Batter’s Eye” which intends to provide the more talented hitters an advantage.

Just as in real life, standout hitters in MLB 2K10 can see certain pitches coming as the ball is released from the pitcher’s hand. You’ll get a quick text pop-up that says “fastball,” “breaking ball” or “changeup” depending on the pitch and the hitter.

Of note is the commentary which has added John Kruk while keeping Steve Phillips along with Gary Thorne. The decision to hold onto Phillips will be somewhat controversial considering the circumstances of his firing from ESPN and that he is currently without any employment or association with baseball. Given that he remains it comes as little surprise that 2K did not advertise the commentary team in the features list.
Well that's convenient. Obviously it would take countless hours to go back and delete him, AND to make the commentary easy to follow, but it will be hard not to hear him in the game and get a little sick to my stomach. More on this when the game comes out on March 2nd.

First MLB 2K10 Preview (Pasta Padre)


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