During the ongoing Potash debate, Saskatchewan's 13 Conservative Members of Parliament seem to have crapped their pants and hid under the bed to avoid any backlash from a potential foreign takeover of this key resource.
Now that the debate has moved to the next level, the 'Saskatchewan 13' are finally popping their heads up like gophers from a prairie gopher hole.
According to Tory MP, Tom Lukiwiski, the 'law' prevented him and the others from saying anything on the matter.
NONSENSE! What section of the Law suppressed your ability to do your job Tom? What clause ... what line of the Act prevented you from representing your constituents?
Don't believe this Tory crap for even one second .....
"We have been fully engaged on this file in Ottawa over the course of the last three months but because of the laws governing both the securities act and Investment Canada Act we really have been restricted from making any public commentary on it and that's just way the law is."
Tom Lukiwiski
Conservative Caucus - Sask.
"There is absolutely no evidence or even any indication that Saskatchewan's 13 Conservative MPs, who hid throughout this process, played any role."
Regina Leader-Post
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