$tephen Harper and the Conservatives pledged to remedy Canada's Equalization Formula by removing non-renewable resources from the calculation. That is how it is done for the provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland BUT NOT done for Saskatchewan.
Harper campaigned on fixing this inequity and Saskatchewan voters elected 12 Conservatives MP's.
However, as soon as he formed a minority government, he dropped his campaign pledge and Saskatchewan's New Democratic government was forced to take Ottawa to court to repair this provincial imbalance.
After 16 years in power, the New Democrats were replaced in Saskatchewan by Brad Wall's Saskatchewan Party. But as soon as he was elected, Premier Wall let Harper and the Conservatives off the hook on the resource inequity and dropped Saskatchewan's court challenge.
Bad move! Wall allowed Saskatchewan to be treated differently than other provinces and Harper has been padding the national treasury with Saskatchewan money ever since.
Anyone who believes that $tephen Harper and Brad Wall have been good for Saskatchewan need to give their heads a shake. Anyone who believes that $tephen Harper and Brad Wall will do the right thing for Saskatchewan with regard to our Potash industry needs psychiatric help.
Harper and Wall are committed to Right Wing, 'unfettered free market' ideology. It is hurting Saskatchewan.
Wall is now beginning to understand that unfettered free markets are NOT necessarily good for his province. But his awakening is coming too late.
Brad Wall's weak leadership and mistakes in the past are hurting Saskatchewan's economy today.
-Wall’s Track Record Means Legal Threats Can’t Be Taken Seriously
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