The Right Wing in Canada and the USA follow ideology that advocates tax cuts for the rich and corporate elite. Their belief is that this money will be immediately reinvested in the economy and all will prosper. It does not work. It is economic voodoo.
On January 1, 2011, $tephen Harper will borrow billions in order to give large corporations yet ANOTHER tax cut. You and I will pay off the loan. The average Canadian will not benefit in any way from this ongoing handout of Corporate Welfare.
-Ultra-rich getting richer while middle class stagnates, report says: Winnipeg Free Press
-Billionaire Warren Buffet says Tax Cuts to the Rich have failed to stimulate the economy!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Conservative Economic Voodoo -'Tax Cuts For The Rich' - Have Made The Rich Even Richer - the rest of us just pay all of Harper's bills ....

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