
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

TMZ To Air Lebron Dunk Footage Tonight

The infamous dunk on Lebron has been acquired by the gossip site, TMZ, and will be aired tonight on their website at 6:45pm. Co-executive producer of TMZ, Charles Latibeaudiere, broke the news on JT the Brick's radio show on KLAC, and also mentioned that they are trying to get a hold of Lebron for a reaction. Via Sports Radio Interviews....

“Nike went around and confiscated the video that they knew was shot, what they didn’t know is there was someone else there who shot it just on their cell phone. Apparently, Nike guys haven’t discovered that cell phones have video cameras as well; this person had it on a cell phone. I wish it was a camera that was right underneath the hoop where you could see the look on LeBron’s face, but it’s awesome. You can see Jordan come down the lane, and after he gets dunked on, LeBron is kind of standing there and you can tell something just happened that he didn’t wanna have happened, and ‘Oh crap. It’s on video too.”

Well it's about time! I can't believe it took TMZ this long to acquire the footage, but thank god they did. I'll try to get it up later on tonight.

Charles Latibeaudiere: The Dunk Was Awesome (Sports Radio Interviews)


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