
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Creepy Reporter Enjoys David Beckham's Crotch

When it comes to David Beckham, women do some crazy things. I'm sure he's had multiple stalkers in his past, but that doesn't compare to this awkward encounter with an Italian reporter hell bent on grabbing his junk. Via Who Ate All The Pies?....

If your Italian is not so good, the story is as follows: Elena Di Cioccio, a reporter for Silvio Berlusconi’s Uno station (yes, Berlusconi also owns AC Milan, Beckham’s current home), wanted to see if Becks was really packing Dirk Diggler-heat downstairs, as all those pants ads suggest. So she pulled on a pair of rubber gloves, walked up to Beckham while he was being interviewed in Madrid for an American TV station, and grabbed his crotch.

“Off the pitch we have seen fascinating photographs of David Beckham in his underpants and seemingly very well endowed and even his wife says that he is well equipped and calls him Golden Balls,” Di Cioccio said.

And Di Cioccio’s conclusion? A rough translation: “I touched it but it’s small! David you have conned us all. What did you use, cotton wool? It’s a trick!”

Well then. I don't really have much to add to that, I guess. I mean, I'm all for random women grabbing my crotch, but jeez ladies....there's a time and a place!

Video: Female TV Presenter Grabs David Beckham’s Golden Balls… And His Golden Penis (Who Ate All The Pies?)


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