
Monday, January 25, 2010

The Jonas Brothers Have A Fan In Jim Nantz

It's no secret that the Jonas Brothers are immensely popular, but it's usually 13 year-old girl who scream their heads of for them, not a 50 year-old NFL announcer set to call the Super Bowl in two weeks. That's exactly the case though as Jim Nantz admitted to Don Imus last Friday, even stating that he saw the J Bros. four times in concert last year....

The fact that Don Imus said that the Jonas Brothers suck, actual made me laugh out loud. And the biggest thing since the Beatles, Nantzy? Come on now! I'll give him a pass on attending the concerts because he has a daughter, but that's just poppycock.

Nantz: “Jonas Bros. Biggest Thing Since Beatles” (Sports by Brooks)


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