
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Your First Look At NBC's Winter Olympics Programming

It's hard to believe, but Vancouver is just one month away from lighting the torch for the 2010 Winter Olympics, and thus NBC is releasing a ton of their coverage details. Here is the breakdown of hours, some statistics, and the channels the Games will be appearing on. I'll be sure to provide you with the list of announcers, and weekly schedules, when they are released.

NBC Universal will present more than 835 hours of Vancouver Olympic Winter Games coverage - representing the most total hours ever for a Winter Olympics, more than the last two Winter Olympics combined, and the most live hours ever for a Winter Games. The Vancouver Games, which will be the first Winter Olympics to be presented entirely in high definition, commence with the Opening Ceremony on Friday, Feb. 12. The announcement was made today by Dick Ebersol, Chairman, NBC Universal Sports & Olympics and executive producer of NBC Universal's Olympic coverage.

The more than 835 total hours of coverage on six NBC Universal platforms - NBC, USA, MSNBC, CNBC and Universal HD, as well as - nearly doubles the coverage from Torino (419) and is more than Torino and Salt Lake City (375.5) combined (794.5).

Following is a breakdown of the Vancouver Olympics coverage on the NBC Universal networks:

- The six NBC Universal platforms - NBC, USA, MSNBC, CNBC and Universal HD, as well as - will offer the most in-depth coverage in history for a Winter Olympics. The more than 835 hours is nearly double Torino (419) and is more than Torino and Salt Lake City (375.5) combined (794.5).

- Over the 17 days of the Vancouver Games (Feb.12-28), NBCU's coverage will average nearly 50 hours per day - that's more coverage in one day than all of the 1976 Innsbruck Winter Olympics (43.5) on ABC.

- The networks of NBCU will provide coverage of every one of the 15 Winter Olympic sports.

- Vancouver will be the first Winter Olympics broadcast 100-percent in high definition, including the first-ever online HD.

Universal HD: 9am -Noon
USA: Noon - 5:30pm
NBC: 3pm - 5pm
CNBC: 5p - 5am
MSNBC: 5:30pm - 8pm
NBC: 8pm - 11:30pm
NBC: 12:35am - 2am
NBC: 2am - 5 am
MSNBC: 3am - 5:30am


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