
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Florida Announcer Arrested For Child Porn

God I hate to have to write stories like this, and this one could be the worst announcer arrest in quite some time. We've had drunk driving, drug addiction and tax evasion, but possessing and receiving child porn is just about as low as you can go. University of Florida announcer Steven Michael Babik (left) has been picked up for just that, and here are your details. Via The Gainesville Sun....

Steven Michael Babik, host of the "TailGator Pre-game Show" and the "Urban Meyer Post-Game Show," was charged Tuesday in federal court with receipt and distribution of child pornography and possession of child pornography.

Babik also reported from the sidelines during game broadcasts and was the longtime network coordinator for University of Florida athletics.

Investigators said he was arrested as part of an ongoing global effort to find and prosecute those who share child pornography online.

Babik, 50, of 3501 N.W. 75th Terrace in Gainesville, has been fired from his UF job. He made his first court appearance at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the federal courthouse in Gainesville, where he pleaded not guilty to the charges.

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Florida, Babik "knowingly received, distributed and possessed materials depicting minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct" on several occasions from Nov. 2 to Nov. 30.
Obviously Babik is innocent until proven guilty, but no one should have tolerance of people with any possession of children in compromising positions. It's just downright sick.

Broadcaster for Gators faces child porn charges (Gainesville Sun)


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