
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sask Premier Brad Wall Critical Of Harper's Cabinet And Senate Appointments

Saskatchewan's Right wing Premier Brad Wall had some criticism today for Stephen Harper's Cabinet and Senate Appointments:

"Wall was critical of Harper's pick for natural resources, Joe Oliver from a Toronto riding.

"Western Canada counts for 90 per cent of the country's oil, 93 per cent of the country's gas, 100 per cent of the country's uranium, 99 per cent of the country's coal and I think that the west needs that voice in terms of natural resources," he said. [...]

He also commented on news that Harper will appoint three new Senators.

Wall noted that Saskatchewan has legislation in place to allow people to elect a senator. He said appointing senators maintains the status quo, which many people do not like.

"I think it takes away momentum for change at the provincial level," Wall said. "I think it will probably increase calls that we hear from time to time, just saying, 'Do we really need this institution?'"

Wall said he will ask the Prime Minister what the plan is for senate reform."



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