
Monday, May 30, 2011

Two Weeks After Election Day New Dems Support UP - Cons, Libs, Bloc ALL DOWN

Progressive Bloggers

Two weeks after Canada's Election, the New Democrats are experiencing an increase in support with the Conservatives, Liberals and Bloc all slipping. Even the daily, relentless campaign by the MSM to attack NDP MP, Ruth Ellen Brosseau seems to have backfired.

"Over the last two weeks (a total sample of 2,000, all data gathered before the Liberals chose Bob Rae as interim leader) here is what we see:

» The Conservative Party is polling at 38 per cent, down slightly from 39.6 per cent on Election Day.

» The NDP finds 33 per cent support, compared to 30.6 per cent on Election Day.

» The Liberal Party is at 15 per cent, down from an 18.9 per cent result.

» The Bloc is at 22 per cent in Quebec; 23.4 per cent was their total on May 2."

The Globe & Mail


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