
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

22484 people voted for Ruth Ellen Brosseau - More than voted for any Liberal candidate in all of Quebec!

22,484 people voted for Ruth Ellen Brosseau in the May 2nd Federal Election. That's more than voted for any Liberal candidate in all of Quebec! And yet, a number of Liberal bloggers decided that Mme. Brosseau would be the victim of their vile venom.

Now, in all fairness, a large number of active Liberal bloggers did not attack the young, new Member of Parliament. Unfortunately, their silence was highly inappropriate in that no one in Liberal ranks raised their voice in opposition to these sexist attacks by their fellow Libs.

But for those of you who did attack Ruth Ellen Brosseau, your despicable, sexist, reactionary rants say more about you then they do about her.

Yes she is inexperienced, but who isn't when first elected to the House of Commons.

There is a lot of sexist poison in the ranks of the old boys club known as the Liberal Party of Canada.


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