Our sleazy Prime Minister (not for long) held a rally in Brampton this morning. Here's an eye witness report on Harper's ongoing dishonesty:
"At a rally later in Brampton – attended also by Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak and Toronto mayor Rob Ford – Harper thanked Ford for his support and for cleaning up the mess left behind by Jack Layton on Toronto City Council (never mind how many years that Layton has not been on council), and then had the crowd applaud the royal newlyweds. He then began his pitch for a majority government, but changed his target, saying it was now a choice between a Conservative government or an NDP government, and a vote for the Liberals is a vote for an NDP government. He then went on a rant about tax increases, occasionally changing his attack between the Liberals or the NDP (possibly a cut-and-paste error), and closed off with his usual “trouble lapping at our shores,” appealing to patriotism, and plea for his majority."
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Does Anyone Need More Proof That The Harper Conservatives Are Sleazy?

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