"Yes, Wall is a conservative at heart who fundamentally opposes Liberals. Yes, his thought process might be shaped by his desire to see Harper get his majority. But one shouldn't underestimate Wall's sincere dislike of the separatist Bloc Quebecois, its disruption of Parliament and the legitimate fear that it could have a major role in a future coalition government. And if such loathing of those eager to break up our country has led Wall to his irrational position, maybe he's not so different than a lot of Canadians."
Murray Mandryk
Regina Leader Post
I nearly gagged on my morning coffee as I read the most recent defense of Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall by local pundit poo bah, Murray Mandryk. Mandryk opines that there may be a good reason why Wall has broken his pledge to stay unengaged in the federal election - his undying love of Canada and dislike of the Bloc Quebecois who would shatter Confederation.
Excuse me Murray, if Premier Wall wants to see someone putting the political boots to Gilles Duceppe and the Bloc ... he should be supporting Jack Layton's New Democrats, not Stephen Harper. Who else but Layton is taking support away from the Bloc in Quebec this time around??
... background ....
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