The following was previously published on
"A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Posted by Greg Layson
Until now, it's only been eye witness accounts that place Guelph Conservative candidate Marty Burke's director of communications Michael Sona at the University of Guelph on Wednesday, April 13, where and when he allegedly cried foul over a special ballot being held and, again, allegedly, attempted to touch, grab or take a ballot box.
When asked about his whereabouts, Sona first directed all questions to the Conservative party's national media relations desk. He then never did answer specifically whether he was on campus that day.
Conservative Party of Canada spokesperson Ryan Sparrow also thrice ignored the emailed question "Was Michael Sona on campus that day?"
Well, thanks to an emailer, we have our answer as to whether Sona was on campus and at the polling station that day. None of the photos show Sona touching, reaching for or even looking at a ballot box. But the box is there. And, Sona's on a cell, as was asserted by several students who say they witnessed the event.
Have a look:"
Monday, April 18, 2011
Things You WON'T See On Sun News Network .. Conservative Tries To Grab U of Guelph Ballot Box

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