
Monday, August 24, 2009

Plaxico's First Interview Since Sentencing, Will Come On E:60

Say what you will about ESPN's 60 Minutes copy, E:60, but they certainly are getting some high profile interviews as of late. It was Donte Stallworth last week, and this week Jeremy Schapp will be sitting down with recently sentenced, Plaxico Burress. Via ESPN PR....

Former N.Y. Giants wide receiver Plaxico Burress, will talk in detail with correspondent Jeremy Schaap in an exclusive E:60 interview, Tuesday, Aug. 25, at 7 p.m. ET, about the early morning hours of Nov. 29, when he accidentally shot himself in the leg with his own gun at the Latin Quarter nightclub in Midtown N.Y., and about the two-year jail sentence he now faces.

Burress pleaded guilty Thursday, Aug. 20, to the weapons charge and avoided what would have been a mandatory minimum sentence of three years for second-degree criminal possession of a weapon. He will head to prison when he is officially sentenced Sept. 22, and will be eligible for release after serving a little more than 20 months. The NFL has suspended Burress but will reinstate him once he completes his sentence.

Excerpts from the interview will debut Monday, Aug. 24, on SportsCenter at 6 p.m. ET and in subsequent editions of the show. The interview will air in full on E:60.
Another interesting get for ESPN, and the fact that they are choosing to air it on E:60 is even more interesting. I don't know if they're trying to improve ratings on the show, but given the show's actually numbers, it's probably not going to hurt. If there's anything exciting said, I will be sure to have the video up.


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