
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Create The Caption #397

Create the Caption is back by popular demand! I took a little hiatus from posting the captions, and sure it's hokey, but it's all in good fun. The CtC is back with a vengeance, and your comments are greatly appreciated.

Last Photo's Winners....

"Watch out, Tony, Joe Simpson is under that costume!"- G Money

"FOUND - the only member of the Cowboys organization excited about Tony Romo now that he's not hooking up with a celebrity"- Brandon

"Tony Romo displays the grip that cost him his position as PAT holder."- NK,GN

"Tony is shocked to find a Cowboy with a bigger head than T.O."- Dunnski Love

Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Chris Berman rocking out with Huey Lewis, at a concert earlier this summer? (Via Sportstress of Blogitude)

Your Daily Links:

Introducing UFC Cats! (Part Mule)
Pitino Is Back In Hot Water (Rush The Court)
An Interview With Clay Travis (Real Clear Sports)
GM Gets Busted For Jaywalking (The Big Picture)
A Sports Blogger Kept A Running Diary Of His Vasectomy (Major League Jerk)
The Girls Of The MLB (Strait Pinkie)
TJ Duckett Has A Scary Beard (Yep Yep)
A Chicago Blog Is Looking For Some Cutler Predictions (Jay Cutler Superstar)
Don't Not Mess With LA Galaxy Players When They're On The Pot (Hugging Harold Reynolds)


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