
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Look At Mike Vick's Non-Existent Media Plan

Every time a player is released back into the wild (the Sports Media World), it's always interesting to see what approach they take with their interviews. As I mentioned earlier today, Donte Stallworth has chosen ESPN's E:60 as his first outlet, and while there's nothing wrong with the choice, it's an interesting one at that (Why not Sports Center? Why not PTI?). Well even more interesting than that choice, is the fact that Mike Vick hasn't even made a statement since being released from prison.

Everyone, from First Take to Oprah, was interested in talking with the quarterback, but Vick has given his rights to CBS via 60 Minutes, and has chosen to lobby through his agent and more confusingly, Tony Dungy. Darren Rovell, decided to look at the reasons why Vick has taken this angle, and like me, he couldn't figure it out either....

The best strategy for Vick is to speak with and appease all his critics and to show them that he is really genuine. By shutting off access, and directing everyone to Sunday’s broadcast, he is actually creating more work for him and the team that might sign him.

The only thing I can think of is that his handlers think it's best if Vick's story could first come out in a nice little package with a bow on top so as to take some pressure off him when he has to do his first press conference. But anyone in the business knows that if an athlete has trouble talking about his past, and isn't genuine, its going to look ugly no matter what forum it's said in. Just look at A-Rod.

Vick was released from prison 82 days ago. That’s 82 wasted days. If he had the right strategy and got himself out there, I truly believe that there’s a possibility he could be with a team right now.

But no matter what Tony Dungy tells insiders about Vick, no team can sign him until they gauge the reaction from the first time he opens his mouth. In the end, Vick’s crime might not be his greatest enemy. His greatest enemy might be his own media plan.
In an era of PEDs, and shocking player arrests, I think people are more forgiving than ever. Either that, or they are just so jaded that they don't even care. To wait 82 days, without a comment, seems like a bad plan to me. I think if Vick had made a statement months ago, it would have already started the healing process, and he probably would already be in a camp by now. It'll certainly be interesting to see how this plays out after the piece on Sunday evening.

Michael Vick’s Next Mistake: His Media Plan (Sports Biz)


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