
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jay Glazer Tells It Like It Is

The amount of honesty that Jay Glazer shows on a weekly basis, is refreshing to some, but can get him in trouble from time to time. Earlier this week, Glazer broke the news that Brett Favre was officially heading to Minnesota to sign a deal, and while ESPN credited him with the story, their analysts continued to mock him throughout the day and poo poo the story. Well after his breaking news came to fruition, he went on the Jorge Sedano show, on 790 The Ticket in Miami, and had some more choice words for the "Leader"....

Again, it's refreshing to hear someone who can be serious about his job, but also understand that we're just talking about Sports. ESPN has to be bitter that they spent the whole Summer following Favre around, and when he finally decides to sign with the Vikings, the story is broken by someone else. Burn!


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