Create the Caption is back by popular demand! I took a little hiatus from posting the captions, and sure it's hokey, but it's all in good fun. The CtC is back with a vengeance, and your comments are greatly appreciated.
Last Photo's Winners....
"Watch out, Tony, Joe Simpson is under that costume!"- G Money
"FOUND - the only member of the Cowboys organization excited about Tony Romo now that he's not hooking up with a celebrity"- Brandon
"Tony Romo displays the grip that cost him his position as PAT holder."- NK,GN
"Tony is shocked to find a Cowboy with a bigger head than T.O."- Dunnski Love
Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Chris Berman rocking out with Huey Lewis, at a concert earlier this summer? (Via Sportstress of Blogitude)
Your Daily Links:
Introducing UFC Cats! (Part Mule)
Pitino Is Back In Hot Water (Rush The Court)
An Interview With Clay Travis (Real Clear Sports)
GM Gets Busted For Jaywalking (The Big Picture)
A Sports Blogger Kept A Running Diary Of His Vasectomy (Major League Jerk)
The Girls Of The MLB (Strait Pinkie)
TJ Duckett Has A Scary Beard (Yep Yep)
A Chicago Blog Is Looking For Some Cutler Predictions (Jay Cutler Superstar)
Don't Not Mess With LA Galaxy Players When They're On The Pot (Hugging Harold Reynolds)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Create The Caption #397

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