
Monday, August 17, 2009

The Jets Hire A "Tweeting Expert"

While some teams like the Redskins and Dolphins have banned their players from using Twitter, teams like the Jets have embraced its networking potential. At the current time, New York currently has eleven players using Twitter, and has even hired someone to help the team's players with their posts and accounts. Via the Associated Press....

The Jets have even hired someone responsible for assisting players with social networking.

"We now have more than 80,000 people following our various players and our organization," Higgins [Executive VP of Business Operations] said. "That means that at any given moment, we can reach 80,000 fans directly, rather than having to get a newspaper story to get a message out. I just don't see how you don't embrace such a powerful tool."

Sanchez was leading the Jets with 40,244 followers, followed by Rhodes, center Nick Mangold (6,548), tight end Dustin Keller (5,292) and Feely (5,127).

"It's a good way of not being mean to a fan where you're not able to stop and give them an autograph," Rhodes said, "but you can go online and see what's going on."

Higgins said the timing simply worked out for the Jets, whose new coach, Rex Ryan, is all for his players speaking their minds.

"He's the type of guy who says, 'Say what you're feeling, but make sure you back it up on the field,'" Keller said. "That kind of goes hand-in-hand with the Twitter thing. You have to be smart and it gives us an even better opportunity to get closer to fans."
Obviously using Twitter needs to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but for teams to completely ban their players from using it, is a terrible idea. As Higgins illustrated above, the Jets alone have 80K followers, and fans appreciate the direct communication. The NFL has already gotten behind Twitter, but it'll be interesting to see the success and trust of the teams that embrace the phenomenon.

Tweet this: Jets encourage players to use Twitter (AP)


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