
Monday, August 10, 2009

Reggie Miller Gets Put In His Place

It's no secret that Reggie Miller enjoys the ladies, but apparently he's been enjoying the married ones just a bit too much. A certain someone decided to send Reggie a message via an aerial advertiser, and all of Southern California was able to see it. Via the Daily Mail....

A famous basketball legend has been given a very public dressing down.

A banner warning ex-NBA star Reggie Miller off married women was flown over several southern California beaches this weekend.

It is not known who forked out for this expensive warning but it comes after Miller allegedly pursued his neighbour Ali Kay - who is engaged to designer Diane von Furstenburg's son Alex.

According to a restraining order, that was never filed, Miller, who played for the Indiana Pacers, met Ms Kay at a party in July last year.

In March of this year he then bumped into her at a grocery store, then waited outside for an hour until she left, before following her up a motorway.
Former NBA basketball player Reggie Miller

He also allegedly harassed her by phone, including sending her 53 text messages over the course of less than four hours.
Well then. I've seen some things in my time, but that might just take the cake. Reggie is usually seen combing the beaches of SC, so maybe the point got across. Just crazy.

Pictured: The moment a basketball star was told plane and simple to keep his hands to himself (Daily Mail)


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