Create the Caption is back by popular demand! I took a little hiatus from posting the captions, and sure it's hokey, but it's all in good fun. The CtC is back with a vengeance, and your comments are greatly appreciated.
Last Photo's Winners....
"¿Que es mas rapido que un tornado?"- Wade Robertson
"Titty-twister!!!"- The Genius
"Hey ump, the 'roids can slim you sixty pounds easy. I'm just sayin'."- Tom
"What is this, velvet?! This is beautiful!"- SideshowPA
Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of Mark Sanchez, talking with Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco?
Your Daily Links:
Real Men Of Fantasy Genius (12 Step Drop)
Missing #6 Pick Found In New Orleans (LOCG)
It's Twitter Tuesday! (Hall of Very Good)
Introducing "Soundbytes of the Decade"! (Randall Simon's Sausages)
Pete Rose Twenty Years Later (More Hardball)
Grown Man Suckerpunches A Child (Sports Rubbish)
Fan Attacks WWE Ref (TPS)
A Handy NFL-N Sortable Schedule (Eye On Sports Media)
Best Players By The Numbers (Rumors and Rants)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Create The Caption #400

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