I've been rather easy on Dick Stockton all year long. I've ignored the player name mistakes, and I even decided against pulling the video of him calling the play clock "the shot clock" last week. But after today's play-by-play abortion, I just can't keep quiet anymore.
Not only did Stockton screw up just about everyone's name on both the Jets and Falcons, and call the Jets , the Eagles, about 10 times during the contest, but he spent the last four minutes of a 10-7 game saying the score was tied. He even got the call of the go ahead touchdown, with a minute remaining, wrong (I'm trying to grab the video and will update when I do so).
I know Dick Stockton has been a great announcer for most of his career, and some people still enjoy him, but this has just gotten ridiculous. He was terrible covering Baseball this past season, and he's been even worse calling NFL games this season. It's time to hang em up, Dick....you had a good run at it.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Dear FOX, It's Time To Send Dick Stockton Out To Pasture

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