Mr. Haskell addressed the unprofessional behavior of the FBI and airport security. He characterized their behavior as a “complete embarrassment. He described how a bomb sniffing dog pointed towards a mans luggage Haskell described as Indian, and around 30 years old. Officials led the man to an interrogation room. Haskell was concerned because the bomb sniffing dog had flagged the man, indicating he may have had explosives in his carry on luggage. The Indian man was subsequently led away in handcuffs.Following this incident the FBI moved the passengers to another location. Haskell says the corporate media will not cover his part of the story. He has repeated it to dozens of news agencies and they uniformly have not included it. Haskell questioned the officials and asked why they have not released the Amsterdam airport security video that will undoubtedly reveal crucial information about the “sharp-dressed man” who escorted Mutallab to the boarding area. The well dressed Indian man spoke for the boy at the boarding gate. He insisted Mutallab be boarded on the plane and even spoke with a supervisor. The Indian man told airport personnel he was a Sudanese refugee. There are many unanswered questions concerning this incident and I will update the site with new information regularly.
Video Part 1:
Video Part 2:
Video Part 3:
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