Is the United States government falling apart? A lot of people think so. George Bush left the country in shambles after stealing his second election and occupying Iraq over a lie about W.M.D's. A good percentage of the American people believe the attacks on Sept. 11th 2001, were staged.
The government has been in a state of crisis for some time now, but the government has never been in the position it currently occupies. Now, the United States is run by a man named Barack H. Obama, who many argue, was not even born in the United States of America, but is actually a Kenyan native. Since Barack Obama's election, the country has built up more debt then it has since it was founded. Obama's health-care legislation is failing in the senate miserably and world leaders still can't reach a deal on the issue of global warming.
The American people don't trust the government and fight amongst themselves while trying to stay afloat in a drowning economy. The democrats are split down the middle, and the Republicans are upset with every decision thus far. Members of congress including Ron Paul and former governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura, openly oppose the new government, and syndicated radio talk show hosts like Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh throw long rants on the radio about the failing economy every day.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Is the United States government falling apart?

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