
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Has Quebec Announced A Referendum On Sovereignty??? - The Liberal Party Of Canada Seems To Think So

Progressive Bloggers

Even the old Liberal guard dog has now infused himself into a debate that has NO basis in reality. Quebec has not called a Referendum. No Referendum is on the horizon ... and yet... the MSM, Liberal bloggers and now even Chretien himself have tried to whip the nation into a fearful frenzy over national unity.

They might as well speculate on Alien contact with planet Earth (as a former Liberal Minister of Defence did).

Liberals are absolutely desperate to find something to attack New Democrats on and they seem to think that this is a winner for them.

-Chretien is Distressed!

Well known Quebec blogger, Anthony Di Domizio has published a post on Factchecker that needs to be read by anyone experiencing palpitations or other fear triggered physical symptoms.


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