From Smalldeadanimals:
"It would be interesting for a pollster to find out if there's a growing concern amongst non-Quebecois Canadians about what plans Monsieur Jack Layton has for Quebec over the next four years. In this comprehensive column, Jeff Jedras carefully outlines a number of data points that justify much concern. Here's a snippet:
What they can’t do, however, is try to have it both ways. They can’t tell Quebecers one thing and Canadians another. They can’t say Sherbrooke is their policy but claim support for the Supreme Court opinion and the Clarity Act, because the two aren’t compatible. They need to pick a position, own it and stand by it in all of Canada.
Layton is like a 12 year-old boy playing with firecrackers, except that he's not using his own fingers but rather those of the Canadian public. Fueled purely by his own ego, he's opening up a can of worms that is likely to be more than a little rancid. Do the majority of Canadians really want to spend this next decade dwelling on Quebec sovereignty issues ... yet again?!
One thing's for sure: when this doesn't turn out well, and it won't, Jack will accept NO responsibility for the disastrous results. For that would require character. To quote Dennis Prager, "one of the beautiful things about being on the Left is never having to apologize for anything!"
Small Dead Animals
This is what passes as a 'Progressive Blogger' these days from the Right Wing of the Liberal Party of Canada camp. Way to go Jedras! Keep on proving the truth in the old snippet 'Liberal / Tory .. same old story"!
The fine print:
For the record, I do acknowledge that there are many, progressive Lib bloggers who do not share the kind of idiotic nonsense that Mr. Jedras and other Right wing Libs do.
Monday, May 30, 2011
It Comes As NO Surprise To Me That Lib Blogger Jeff Jedras Is Being Embraced And Lauded By The Extreme Right Wing In Canada!

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