Remember the wars that raged between the Paul Martin and Jean Chretien camps a few years back? After the defeat of the Martin government, Liberals ripped each others eyes out in the leadership race that saw Dion elected Leader. Oops! Bad choice .. okay .. start the leadership process up again and ... voila .. new leader, Michael Ignatieff. The rest is history. The Liberal party of Canada is in the dumper.
But whose fault is it that Liberals are near death as a political party in Canada? Well according to some Liberals it is not their fault ....
"The NDP has taken great joy in dividing the Liberal Party at every opportunity during the minority years. Now, the Liberals have a golden opportunity to return the favour if they can bring what's left of their Quebec caucus onside. It won't be hard to toss federalism grenades into the NDP tent - a few mischievious opposition day motions should do the trick."
If Liberals want to know why they are irrelevant to Canadians and about to be placed by the curb of history, they need only look in the mirror.
The Liberal Party is sick. In fact, the question should be asked ... 'why does the Liberal Party of Canada bother to exist?'
-They Call Me Mr Sinister has more ...
Cartoon by kind permission of
Graeme MacKay at mackaycartoons.net
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