
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Daglish Complimented Liverpool’s Win On Bolton

Daglish Complimented Liverpool's Win On Bolton

Liverpool’s manager, Kenny Dalglish complimented his players after they managed to beat Bolton 3-1 in Anfield this morning.

Goals scored by Jordan Henderson, Martin Skrtel and Charlie Adam had secured Liverpool to be on top of English Premier League.

But Bolton managed to score a goal by Ivan Klasnic during extra time.

“It is something fun to see. We got this result from our hard work, playing as a team and everyone have played their roll well.

“Them scoring a goal in the last 40 second was slightly depressing, but our players had given their best in the whole match,” said Dalglish.

Even though he did not score any goal in the match, Liverpool’s main striker, Luis Suarez was still complimented by his teammates.

“His moves were brilliant. He was always moving and sneaking behind opponents. He would always give nightmares to the opponent’s defense,” said Liverpool’s center, Henderson.

Another Liverpool center, Stewart Downing said, “We all know that he is a brilliant player.”

“He has great moves and scores as well. He had gone through a packed summer but that did not give any effect to his performance.” –


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