
Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Pair Of Scholl For Mom This Aidifitri

A Pair Of Scholl For Mom This Aidifitri

KUALA LUMPUR – Alhamdulillah, after an Iftar and Maghrib prayers at Semua House shopping centre, my wife and I started out shopping spree for the auspicious Aidilfitri that comes in 3 or four days from now.

Like these past years, Tunku Abdul Rahman was filled with people shopping. Maybe that is the only place where the price are reasonable for people like us.

After covering the whole Jalan TAR for a couple of hours, we managed to get a baju kurung for our aunt and a few clothes for the niece and nephew.

We then headed to the shopping centre that has been known for its all year discounts, SOGO.

And as expected, SOGO was filled with ocean of people. Some were going through handbags, some with branded shoes, some at the clothing department and some were just sitting by the side, maybe because they got tired of shopping.

I told my wife that mother had asked for a pair of raya shoes. Considering that she is now in her golden age, she constantly get foot pain, so she wanted a light and comfortable shoe.

My wife nodded. Maybe she was just as tired as I was. We then head to the shoe department at the second floor of the shopping centre.

When we got there, I asked myself what kind of shoe should I get for my mother. My wife reminded me the type of shoe that I should get for my mother.

I then remembered this shoe brand that is famous with its comfort. But I was certain that it would cost me hundreds of Ringgit and it would be too expensive for people like me.

Scholl. That was the type of shoe that came to mind. I went into the store. And as I expected, most of the shoes cost hundreds of Ringgit.

Carefully, I chose the right shoe for mother. Without going through the price, I asked for a pair of shoes from the salesgirl and headed to the counter to pay.

When I got to the counter, my wife and I had to be in the long queue. Only by then I checked the price of the shoe.

It cost close to RM200! The price somehow shocked me. The shoe would be the most expensive item that we have bought that day.

But, come to the think of it, what is RM200 compared to the person who had fought for her life to give birth to me.

What is RM200 compared to the love that she had given to my wife and I.

And what is RM200 compared to all that she had sacrificed for me.

RM200 is nothing to be compared to all that.

To mother, please accept the small gift from your son and we will come back to you today. Nothing is better compared to see the smile on your face on Aidilfitri.

Pray that we would arrive there safely. Tears rolled down my face when I was praying this morning. Insyaallah, we will be there tomorrow with you, mother. With a pair of Scholl!



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