The youth leader of South Africa's ruling African National Congress faces disciplinary action on Tuesday, charged with "sowing divisions" in the party.
Julius Malema, 30, also faces charges of bringing the ANC into disrepute by calling for the government of Botswana to be overthrown.
Once a key ally of President Jacob Zuma, Mr Malema has become a critic.
Mr Malema, under separate investigation for alleged fraud and corruption, says he will accept the committee's ruling.
"We are taking responsibility for our actions and we are prepared for anything. We have always maintained that the ANC is our future, if that future is expulsion so be it," he said.
Mr Malema, who is charged along with five other top youth league officials, could be expelled from the ANC at the closed-door hearing.
He was put on probation by the disciplinary committee last year after being found guilty of criticising Mr Zuma.
The youth league leader's calls to nationalise the mining sector and seize farm land have jarred with the party's leadership but have proven popular among his political base in impoverished black communities.
'Political survivor'
The BBC's Karen Allen described Mr Malema as a "kingmaker and political survivor", whose youth group brings the ANC a 350,000-strong block vote and influence over senior ANC leaders seeking promotion.
His disciplinary hearing sets the scene for next year's leadership battle, when Mr Zuma is trying to secure a second term. As one of those trying to unseat him, Mr Malema's fate will be key, adds our correspondent.
The youth leader has long been a controversial figure.
In May 2010, he was made to apologise publicly following a controversial trip to Zimbabwe where he declared the ANC's support for President Robert Mugabe at a time when Mr Zuma was mediating between the country's coalition members.
Mr Malema was also chastised by the ANC for expelling a BBC journalist from a press conference and defying party orders not to sing a racially divisive apartheid-era song.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
South Africa: Hearing for ANC youth chief Julius Malema

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