The ADL has launched a new purge against its political enemies specifically targeting Alex Jones “The Conspiracy King.” The tone of the ADL's statements basically implies Alex Jones is such a threat to the establishment he should be removed from society, which ironically is exactly how Hitler dealt with his political enemies in Nazi Germany. And what does the ADL consider to be the criteria, A belief that, “There is a conspiracy by malevolent globalists to take over the world and institute a “New World Order”. The true significance of this gargantuan hit piece on Alex Jones and the patriot movement is the fact that the establishment has firmly moved away from ignorance and ridicule and is now directly targeting for elimination – an effective purge of the undesirables – by implying we want to commit violence and should therefore be neutralized by the authorities. This was not the first time that the ADL has attempted to classify Alex Jones and his websites as hate material. Several years ago they attempted a similar stunt and were later forced to back down and retract their statements after Jones sent them a letter informing them of their slanderous accusations which were libel.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Anti Defamation League (ADL) labels Alex Jones threat to society

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