An article written by a man named Christopher Brooker exposing the climate change fraud flew to the top of Google News search for the term, “global warming,” only to disappear hours later.
“What is going on with Google? I only ask because last night when I typed “Global Warming” into Google News, the top item was Christopher Booker’s superb analysis of the Climategate scandal,” writes James Delingpole.
“It’s still the most-read article of the Telegraph’s entire online operation – 430 comments and counting – yet mysteriously when you try the same search now it doesn’t even feature. Instead, the top-featured item is a blogger pushing Al Gore’s AGW agenda. Perhaps there’s nothing sinister in this. Perhaps some Google-savvy reader can enlighten me.” Some people claim the original article dissapeared and only other versions are available now. In addition, searches for previous Christopher Brooker articles show up as top links – it’s only this particular article that has seemingly been targeted for censorship. The same de-listing of the article is evident on other major search engine websites like Bing and Yahoo. It appears as if one of the editors at the Telegraph has gone into the back end of the Telegraph content management system and checked an option which prevents search engines from indexing a particular article.
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Monday, November 30, 2009
Are Search Engines censoring climate change fraud

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