Defense officials recently told CNN the pentagon is preparing to send 34,000 more troops to Afghanistan. The pentagon plans to send 3 army brigades, support troops, a marine brigade, and headquarters personnel totaling 34,000 troops.
"This is the number the president is leaning towards" a pentagon official told CNN. Obama plans to announce his full strategy "next week," pentagon officials say. Several media reports claim the announcement will be on Tuesday, December 1. Obama met with his national security team Monday night. After the meeting White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs said "After completing a rigorous final meeting, President Obama has the information he wants and needs to make his decision and he will announce that decision within days." There are already 68,000 troops in the country, this new deployment would bring the total amount of troops in Afghanistan to a wopping 102,000. Are there that many bad guys hiding in the mountains? Either way, Obama has held his ninth and last meeting on the issue and it expected to give an announcment on Tuesday.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Pentagon to deploy 34,000 more troops to Afghanistan. (Why)

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