On Tuesday, President Barack Obama is expected to announce a new war stategy for Afghanistan at the WestPoint Military Academy.
The plan includes a 50 percent increase in U.S. troop forces in the region. The military is planning for an increase of up to 35,000 troops begin next year, and currently already has 71,000 troops in the country.
Polls show support for the war has dropped since Obama took office, with the majority now saying they oppose the war and that it's not worth fighting. The surge in troops would be Obama's second since taking office, and politicians are already lining up against it, mainly because war costs from the region are in excess of 75 billion dollars a year. What I don't understand is this, "there are 71,000 troops in the country but they need another 35,000, where are all the terrorist? Are you sure your not just farming all the poppy fields and using troops for security along the oil pipeline? Obama approved 21,000 additional troops for Afghanistan last spring, that brought U.S. troop forces to an expected 68,000 in the region, the actual figure is slightly higher though because of overlap time between troops entering and leaving the country. The new troops Obama is expected to send would not begin to arrive until February. Nato claims it is also willing to send 5,000 more troops. (for what, I'm not sure)
CBS News
Washington Times
NY Times
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Saturday, November 28, 2009
Obama to reveal Afghan war strategy at Westpoint military academy (Tuesday)

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