A House panel approved Ron Paul and Alan Grayson's Amendment Thursday afternoon to audit the Federal Reserve.
Here is a summary of the Paul-Grayson Amendment:
Dear Financial Services Committee Colleagues:
It is encouraging to see the issue of Federal Reserve transparency is receiving so much attention during this markup. Today we plan to offer an amendment to the Financial Stability Improvement Act that expands on the many extant proposals to enhance Federal Reserve transparency. Our amendment is based on HR 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, which has broad bipartisan and grassroots support. The bill is cosponsored by 309 Members of Congress, including all Financial Services Committee Republicans and 13 Financial Services Committee Democrats.The amendment removes restrictions on GAO audits of the Federal Reserve, as HR 1207 does, but makes a few changes to take into account some of the concerns that the Fed has made known in public testimony. Let's see if this story develops any further. The Fed always seems to stonewall audit attempts.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Ron Paul/Alan Grayson ammendment to audit the federal reserve approved!

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