Eiffel Tower, found in Paris was designed and constructed by Alexander-Gustave Eiffel. It is a Parisian landmark and technological masterpiece in building construction history. When the French Government was organizing centennial exposition of 1889 to commemorate the French revolution, a competition was held for designs for a suitable monument. More than hundred designs were submitted and the centennial committee accepted that of the noted bridge engineer Gustave Eiffel. Eiffel’s conception of a 984 foot (300 Meters) tower of open lattice wrought iron aroused amazement, skeptics and no little opposition on aesthetic Grounds. Nothing remotely it was ever built as it was twice as high as the doom of St.Peter’s church in Rome or the great pyramid of Giza. In contrast to such older monuments, Eiffel Tower was raised in height in matter of months with a small labor force and a slight cost. Making use of advanced knowledge of behavior of metal arc and metal truss from the under loading, including wind forces and gigantic structure created a revolution in the field of civil engineering and architectural designs of the period and still now.
And despite long continuous protest, it ultimately vindicated itself aesthetically. The tower’s based of four semi-circular arcs, dictated partly by engineering considerations but also partly by Eiffel’s artistic sense. It required elevators to ascend on a curve, the glass cage machines designed by the Otis-elevator company of the United States of America became the principle feature of building helping it to establish it as the world’s best area of tourist attraction. Eiffel Tower lasted as the largest and tallest building in the world until the completion of Chrysler building in New York City in the year 1930.
Eiffel Tower -Alexander Gustave Eiffel:
The creator of the tall tower Alexander Gustave Eiffel had his birth on 15th December 1832, and died on 28th December 1923 in Paris. He was a French civil engineer renewed the tower and so it bares his name. After his graduation from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in 1855, Eiffel began to specialize in metal construction, especially bridges. He started the construction of Eiffel tower in 1887, and startled the world with its completion in the year in 1889. This brought him the nick name “Magician of Iron”. It directed in interest on Aerodynamics and then he used the tower for a number of experiments. In the Paris des machines by

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