Just about every group that has a bone to pick with Premier Brad Wall turned up in front of the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly Building in Regina yesterday.
-First Nations are angry at that fact that millions of acres of protected Crown Lands are going to be sold to the friends of Mr. Wall's Saskatchewan Party without any consultations with First Nations. Saskatchewan's First Nations are still seeking historical land settlements for land taken from them early in the 20th century.
-Health workers are angry because they have gone three years without a collective bargaining agreement and the Wall government is in no rush to settle the matter.
-Unionized construction workers are angry at Bill 80 which is Wall's attempt at 'union busting'.
-Supporters of SCN (Saskatchewan Communications Network) are angry an the Wall government for killing this internationally renowned organization.
A host of other demonstrators attended as well.
-Regina Leader-Post
-Official Opposition News Release
Photo by Roy Antal .. courtesy the Regina Leader-Post ...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Huge Protests Against Policies Of The Brad Wall Government

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