1) The Saskatchewan Party are, without doubt, Stephen Harper's biggest supporters. When it comes to the topic of Harper, Brad Wall simply gushes. The funny thing is that Saskatchewan has NOT benefited one iota from the Harper/Wall 'love in' . If anything, the Province of Saskatchewan is poorer for the relationship.
2) Brad Wall is playing word games with the people of Saskatchewan. He claims that he is 'balancing' the provincial budget and lowering debt. Not so, according to the Provincial Auditor who had this to say on the topic:
"Because the government uses inappropriate accounting policies, the GRF (General Revenue Fund) financial statements (for 2008-09) report net debt and annual surplus inaccurately. If the government had accounted for all transactions properly, the statements would have recorded net debt of $8.07 billion instead of $3.85 billion on March 31, 2009, and recorded a surplus of $1.62 billion instead of $2.39 billion for the year ended March 31, 2009."
Report of the Provincial Auditor on the 2009 Government Accounts
3) Thousands and thousands of protected wildlife habitat acres are about to be sold off to Saskatchewan Party's friends, donors and supporters. Without any consultation with those most affected, Wall is bulldozing ahead. Here is what his Environment Minister is saying:
"Bill 132 has been developed in consultation with a wide variety of stakeholders such as the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Nature Saskatchewan, Ducks Unlimited Canada, The Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations" ... (Oh really?(
..compare the government line to what the key stakeholders are saying:
"I find these statements extremely troubling since no such undertakings have occurred. There has been no attempt by your Ministry to enter into a consultation process with First Nations people regarding the expansion of the sale of Crown lands protected under The Wildlife Habitat Protection Act."
Chief Lyle Whitefish
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations
... or ...
"We can assure you that no meaningful consultation regarding the sale of Crown lands has occurred with Nature Saskatchewan.”
Nature Saskatchewan
When Brad Wall tells you that he is just getting started, Saskatchewan people should be nervous as hell!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Premier Brad Wall "We're just getting started" YIKES!!

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