"But Layton would immensely help the new party with good numbers in Ontario and a remarkable showing in Quebec, pushing the Bloc to second place for the first time in years.
Of course, I should caution those numbers don't factor in the thousands of Liberals who would be unable to vote, due to their heads having exploded."
Jeff Jedras
My blogging colleague, Jeff Jedras of 'A BCer In Toronto', is likely pretty accurate in the above noted statement. Yes indeed, a number of Liberals simply can not contemplate a Liberal / New Democrat coalition, even more so with Jack Layton at the helm. Regardless of what the poll numbers tell them, the Right Wing faction of the Liberal Party of Canada would rather see $tephen Harper remain Prime Minister.
It's time that more progressive and pragmatic factions within the Liberal Party of Canada speak out. Why do you let the more aggressive 'Righties' in your party always lead the parade? It's no wonder that the once mighty LPC is stuck in a quagmire of its own making.
Monday, May 31, 2010
The Right Wing Of The Liberal Party Of Canada Is Content With $tephen Harper In Power

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